Two-channel regulator RE19, universal input, for program regulation, additi...
Two-channel regulator RE19, universal input, for program regulation, additional current output 0/4...20 mA, continual output + 3 relays, RS-485 interface with MODBUS protocol, voltage of power supply 85...253 V AC/DC...
Two-channel regulator RE19, universal input, for fixed value controlling, o...
Two-channel regulator RE19, universal input, for fixed value controlling, output 4 relays, w/o interface, voltage of power supply 85...253 V AC/DC...
Two-channel regulator RE19, universal input, for fixed value controlling, o...
Two-channel regulator RE19, universal input, for fixed value controlling, output 4 relays, RS-485 interface with MODBUS protocol, voltage of power supply 85...253 V AC/DC...
Two-channel regulator RE19, universal input, for fixed value controlling, v...
Two-channel regulator RE19, universal input, for fixed value controlling, voltage output 0/15 V + 3 relays, w/o interface, voltage of power supply 85...253 V AC/DC...
Two-channel regulator RE19, universal input, for fixed value controlling, v...
Two-channel regulator RE19, universal input, for fixed value controlling, voltage output 0/15 V + 3 relays, interface RS-485 with MODBUS protocol, voltage of power supply 85...253 V AC/DC...
Two-channel regulator RE19, universal input, for fixed value controlling, c...
Two-channel regulator RE19, universal input, for fixed value controlling, continual output + 3 relays, w/o interface, voltage of power supply 85...253 V AC/DC...
Two-channel regulator RE19, universal input, for fixed value controlling, a...
Two-channel regulator RE19, universal input, for fixed value controlling, additional current output 0/4...20 mA, output 4 relays, w/o interface, voltage of power supply 85...253 V AC/DC...
Two-channel regulator RE19, universal input, for fixed value controlling, a...
Two-channel regulator RE19, universal input, for fixed value controlling, additional current output 0/4...20 mA, output 4 relays, RS-485 interface with MODBUS protocol, voltage of power supply 85...253 V AC/DC...
Two-channel regulator RE19, universal input, for fixed value controlling, a...
Two-channel regulator RE19, universal input, for fixed value controlling, additional current output 0/4...20 mA, voltage output 0/15 V + 3 relays, w/o interface, voltage of power supply 85...253 V AC/DC...
Two-channel regulator RE19, universal input, for fixed value controlling, a...
Two-channel regulator RE19, universal input, for fixed value controlling, additional current output 0/4...20 mA, voltage output 0/15 V + 3 relays, interface RS-485 with MODBUS protocol, voltage of power supply 85...253 V AC/DC...
Two-channel regulator RE19, universal input, for fixed value controlling, a...
Two-channel regulator RE19, universal input, for fixed value controlling, additional current output 0/4...20 mA, continual output + 3 relays, w/o interface, voltage of power supply 85...253 V AC/DC...
Two-channel regulator RE19, universal input, for fixed value controlling, a...
Two-channel regulator RE19, universal input, for fixed value controlling, additional current output 0/4...20 mA, continual output + 3 relays, RS-485 interface with MODBUS protocol, voltage of power supply 85...253 V AC/DC...
Two-channel regulator RE19, universal input, for controlling with stepper a...
Two-channel regulator RE19, universal input, for controlling with stepper actuator, output 4 relays, w/o interface, voltage of power supply 85...253 V AC/DC...
Two-channel regulator RE19, universal input, for controlling with stepper a...
Two-channel regulator RE19, universal input, for controlling with stepper actuator, voltage output 0/15 V + 3 relays, w/o interface, voltage of power supply 85...253 V AC/DC...
Two-channel regulator RE19, universal input, for controlling with stepper a...
Two-channel regulator RE19, universal input, for controlling with stepper actuator, voltage output 0/15 V + 3 relays, interface RS-485 with MODBUS protocol, voltage of power supply 85...253 V AC/DC...
Two-channel regulator RE19, universal input, for controlling with stepper a...
Two-channel regulator RE19, universal input, for controlling with stepper actuator, continual output + 3 relays, w/o interface, voltage of power supply 85...253 V AC/DC...
Two-channel regulator RE19, universal input, for controlling with stepper a...
Two-channel regulator RE19, universal input, for controlling with stepper actuator, continual output + 3 relays, RS-485 interface with MODBUS protocol, voltage of power supply 85...253 V AC/DC...
Two-channel regulator RE19, universal input, for controlling with stepper a...
Two-channel regulator RE19, universal input, for controlling with stepper actuator, additional current output 0/4...20 mA, output 4 relays, w/o interface, voltage of power supply 85...253 V AC/DC...
Two-channel regulator RE19, universal input, for controlling with stepper a...
Two-channel regulator RE19, universal input, for controlling with stepper actuator, additional current output 0/4...20 mA, output 4 relays, RS-485 interface with MODBUS protocol, voltage of power supply 85...253 V AC/DC...
Two-channel regulator RE19, universal input, for controlling with stepper a...
Two-channel regulator RE19, universal input, for controlling with stepper actuator, additional current output 0/4...20 mA, voltage output 0/15 V + 3 relays, w/o interface, voltage of power supply 85...253 V AC/DC...
Two-channel regulator RE19, universal input, for controlling with stepper a...
Two-channel regulator RE19, universal input, for controlling with stepper actuator, additional current output 0/4...20 mA, voltage output 0/15 V + 3 relays, interface RS-485 with MODBUS protocol, voltage of power supply 85...253 V AC/DC...
Two-channel regulator RE19, universal input, for controlling with stepper a...
Two-channel regulator RE19, universal input, for controlling with stepper actuator, additional current output 0/4...20 mA, continual output + 3 relays, w/o interface, voltage of power supply 85...253 V AC/DC ...
Two-channel regulator RE19, universal input, for controlling with stepper a...
Two-channel regulator RE19, universal input, for controlling with stepper actuator, additional current output 0/4...20 mA, continual output + 3 relays, RS-485 interface with MODBUS protocol, voltage of power supply 85...253 V AC/DC...
Regulator temperatury RE72, wejście: uniwersalne (temperatura, U, I), wyjśc...
Regulator temperatury RE72, wejście: uniwersalne (temperatura, U, I), wyjście 1 przekaźnikowe, wyjście 2 przekaźnikowe, bez wejścia/wyjścia 3, zasilanie 85…253V a.c./d.c., wykonanie standardowe, wersja językowa polska, bez atestu kontroli jakości. ...
Temperature regulator RE72, 1 relay output, 2 relay output, w/o in/out 3, p...
Temperature regulator RE72, 1 relay output, 2 relay output, w/o in/out 3, power supply 20 ..40V AC/DC, standard version, language - polish
Temperature regulator RE72, 1 relay output, 2 relay output, 3-relay output,...
Temperature regulator RE72, 1 relay output, 2 relay output, 3-relay output, power supply 85 ..253V AC/DC