Temperature regulator RE72, 1 voltage output 0/5V, 2 continual output 0.....
Temperature regulator RE72, 1 voltage output 0/5V, 2 continual output 0...10V, relay input, power supply 20 ..40V AC/DC, standard version, language - polish...
Temperature regulator RE72, 1 voltage output 0/5V, 2 continual output 0.....
Temperature regulator RE72, 1 voltage output 0/5V, 2 continual output 0...10V, continual input 0/4...20 ma, power supply 20 ..40V AC/DC, standard version, language - polish...
Temperature regulator RE72, 1 voltage output 0/5V, 2 continual output 0.....
Temperature regulator RE72, 1 voltage output 0/5V, 2 continual output 0...10V, relay output 24V DC ,power supply 20 ..40V AC/DC, standard version, language - polish...
Temperature regulator RE72, 1 continual output 0/4...20 ma, 2 voltage out...
Temperature regulator RE72, 1 continual output 0/4...20 ma, 2 voltage output 0/5V, continual input 0/4...20 ma, power supply 20 ..40V AC/DC, standard version, language - polish...
Temperature regulator RE72, 1 continual output 0/4...20 ma, 2 voltage out...
Temperature regulator RE72, 1 continual output 0/4...20 ma, 2 voltage output 0/5V, relay output 24V DC 1Wpower supply 20 ..40V AC/DC, standard version, language - polish...
power supply 85-253 V AC/DC, w/o additional outputs, UNIT A, performing sta...
Digital network parameters analyzer 1-faz., supply voltage 85-253 V AC/DC, w/o additional output, unit A, performing standard
Analyser of 1-phase network parameters, input of voltage 85-253 V AC/DC, p...
Analyser of 1-phase network parameters, input of voltage 85-253 V AC/DC, power supply 85-253 V AC/DC, without additional output, unit v, standard performance...
Cyfrowy miernik parametrów sieci 1-faz., N30P-1000000
Cyfrowy miernik parametrów sieci 1-faz., wejście do pomiaru: parametrów sieci jednofazowej - napięcia, prądu, mocy czynnej, biernej, pozornej, cos φ, tg φ, φ, częstotliwości, energii czynnej, biernej, pozornej, moc czynnej 15 min, napięcia 10 min, częstotliwości 10 sekundowej; zasilanie 85-253V a.c./d.c., bez wyjścia dodatkowego - N30P-1000000...
Analyser of 1-phase network parameters, input I 0...1a or 0...5A or u 0......
Analyser of 1-phase network parameters, input I 0...1a or 0...5A or u 0...100v or 0...400 V, power supply 85-253 V AC/DC, without additional output, standard performance, polish version, without quality control ...
Temperature regulator RE72, 1 continual output 0/4...20 ma, 2 continual o...
Temperature regulator RE72, 1 continual output 0/4...20 ma, 2 continual output 0/4...20 ma, continual input 0/4...20 ma, power supply 85 ..253V AC/DC, standard version, language - polish...
Temperature regulator RE72, 1 continual output 0/4...20 ma, 2 continual o...
Temperature regulator RE72, 1 continual output 0/4...20 ma, 2 continual output 0/4...20 ma, relay output 24V DC 1Wpower supply 85 ..253V AC/DC, standard version, language - polish...
Temperature regulator RE72, 1 continual output 0/4...20 ma, 2 continual o...
Temperature regulator RE72, 1 continual output 0/4...20 ma, 2 continual output 0...10V, w/o in/out 3, power supply 20 ..40V AC/DC, standard version, language - polish...
Temperature regulator RE72, 1 continual output 0/4...20 ma, 2 continual o...
Temperature regulator RE72, 1 continual output 0/4...20 ma, 2 continual output 0...10V, continual input 0/4...20 ma, power supply 85 ..253V AC/DC, standard version, language - polish...
Temperature regulator RE72, 1 continual output 0/4...20 ma, 2 continual o...
Temperature regulator RE72, 1 continual output 0/4...20 ma, 2 continual output 0...10V, relay output 24V DC 1Wpower supply 85 ..253V AC/DC, standard version, language - polish...
Temperature regulator RE72, 1 continual output 0...10V, 2 continual outpu...
Temperature regulator RE72, 1 continual output 0...10V, 2 continual output 0/4...20 ma, continual input 0/4...20 ma, power supply 85 ..253V AC/DC, standard version, language - polish...
Temperature regulator RE72, 1 continual output 0...10V, 2 continual outpu...
Temperature regulator RE72, 1 continual output 0...10V, 2 continual output 0/4...20 ma, relay output 24V DC ,power supply 85 ..253V AC/DC, standard version, language - polish...
Temperature regulator RE72, 1 continual output 0...10V, 2 continual outpu...
Temperature regulator RE72, 1 continual output 0...10V, 2 continual output 0...10V, w/o in/out 3, power supply 20 ..40V AC/DC, standard version, language - polish...
Temperature regulator RE72, 1 continual output 0...10V, 2 continual outpu...
Temperature regulator RE72, 1 continual output 0...10V, 2 continual output 0...10V, continual input 0/4...20 ma, power supply 85 ..253V AC/DC, standard version, language - polish...
Temperature regulator RE72, 1 continual output 0...10V, 2 continual outpu...
Temperature regulator RE72, 1 continual output 0...10V, 2 continual output 0...10V, relay output 24V DC, power supply 85 ..253V AC/DC, standard version, language - polish...
Simatic S7-300, power supply PS 307, voltage of input: 120/230V AC - 6ES730...
Simatic S7-300, power supply PS 307, voltage of input: 120/230V AC, voltage of output: 24V DC / 2A
Advanced panel with assistant for ACS310/355/550 iverters - ACS-CP-A
Panel z asystentem do falowników ACS310/355/550 - ACS-CP-A
Analyser ND20 of 3-phase network parameters, input I 5A(X/5), input U 3x2...
Analyser ND20 of 3-phase network parameters, input I 5A(X/5), input U 3x230/400 V, without interface, power supply 85-253 V AC/DC, standard performance, polish version, without quality control certificate...
Temperature regulator RE72, 1 relay output, 2 continual output 0...10V, b...
Temperature regulator RE72, 1 relay output, 2 continual output 0...10V, binary input, power supply 20 ..40V AC/DC, standard version, language - polish...
Temperature regulator RE72, 1 voltage output 0/5V, 2 continual output 0.....
Temperature regulator RE72, 1 voltage output 0/5V, 2 continual output 0...10V, binary input, power supply 20 ..40V AC/DC, standard version, language - polish...
Temperature regulator RE72, 1 continual output 0/4...20 ma, 2 voltage out...
Temperature regulator RE72, 1 continual output 0/4...20 ma, 2 voltage output 0/5V, 3-relay output, power supply 20 ..40V AC/DC, standard version, language - polish...
Temperature regulator RE72, 1 continual output 0/4...20 ma, 2 voltage out...
Temperature regulator RE72, 1 continual output 0/4...20 ma, 2 voltage output 0/5V, binary input, power supply 20 ..40V AC/DC, standard version, language - polish...