Temperature regulator RE72, 1 relay output, 2 continual output 0...10V, r...
Temperature regulator RE72, 1 relay output, 2 continual output 0...10V, relay input, power supply 20 ..40V AC/DC, standard version, language - polish...
Temperature regulator RE72, 1 relay output, 2 continual output 0...10V, c...
Temperature regulator RE72, 1 relay output, 2 continual output 0...10V, continual input 0/4...20 ma, power supply 20 ..40V AC/DC, standard version, language - polish...
Temperature regulator RE72, 1 relay output, 2 continual output 0...10V, r...
Temperature regulator RE72, 1 relay output, 2 continual output 0...10V, relay output 24V DC 1Wpower supply 20 ..40V AC/DC, standard version, language - polish...
Temperature regulator RE72, 1 voltage output 0/5V, 2 continual output 0.....
Temperature regulator RE72, 1 voltage output 0/5V, 2 continual output 0...10V, relay input, power supply 20 ..40V AC/DC, standard version, language - polish...
Temperature regulator RE72, 1 voltage output 0/5V, 2 continual output 0.....
Temperature regulator RE72, 1 voltage output 0/5V, 2 continual output 0...10V, continual input 0/4...20 ma, power supply 20 ..40V AC/DC, standard version, language - polish...
Temperature regulator RE72, 1 voltage output 0/5V, 2 continual output 0.....
Temperature regulator RE72, 1 voltage output 0/5V, 2 continual output 0...10V, relay output 24V DC ,power supply 20 ..40V AC/DC, standard version, language - polish...
Temperature regulator RE72, 1 continual output 0/4...20 ma, 2 voltage out...
Temperature regulator RE72, 1 continual output 0/4...20 ma, 2 voltage output 0/5V, continual input 0/4...20 ma, power supply 20 ..40V AC/DC, standard version, language - polish...
Temperature regulator RE72, 1 continual output 0/4...20 ma, 2 voltage out...
Temperature regulator RE72, 1 continual output 0/4...20 ma, 2 voltage output 0/5V, relay output 24V DC 1Wpower supply 20 ..40V AC/DC, standard version, language - polish...
Simatic S7-300, module of binary inputs SM 321, 8 inputs/120/230V AC - 6ES7...
Simatic S7-300, module of binary inputs SM 321, 8 inputs/120/230V AC, optical isolation, needed connection 20 PIN
Logo! Memory card Used for copying programme and/or protecting of the conte...
Memory card Used for copying programme and/or protecting of the content of programmes 0BA6
KETO-2-3/60/AOU/F fuse-switch, rail-mounted, distance 60 mm - T201116000
KETO-2-3/60/AOU/F fuse-switch, rail-mounted, distance 60 mm - T201116000
Temperature regulator 230VAC; 3 relay outputs - AR682/S1/P/P/P
Mikroprocesor temperature and other phisical values regulator, (inc humidity, pressure, level, speed, and other)Measuremet is made by exchangind measured values for electric signal....
Logo! 24c, logic module with display, power supply 24V DC - 6ED1052-2MD0...
logic module with display, power supply 24V DC, 8 DIgital inputs 24V DC (4 of them may function as analog inputs 0-10v)/4 transistor outputs 24V DC; the real-time clock; memory 200 blocks, the unit may optionally be extended with additional modules ...
Logo! 24rco (ac), logic module with display, power supply 24V DC/AC - 6ED...
Logo! 24rco (ac), logic module with display, power supply 24V DC/AC, 8 DIgital inputs 24V DC/AC/4 relay outputs; memory 200 blocks, the unit may optionally be extended with additional modules ...
Temperature regulator RE72, 1 continual output 0/4...20 ma, 2 continual o...
Temperature regulator RE72, 1 continual output 0/4...20 ma, 2 continual output 0/4...20 ma, 3-relay output, power supply 20 ..40V AC/DC, standard version, language - polish...
Temperature regulator RE72, 1 continual output 0/4...20 ma, 2 continual o...
Temperature regulator RE72, 1 continual output 0/4...20 ma, 2 continual output 0/4...20 ma, binary input, power supply 20 ..40V AC/DC, standard version, language - polish...
Temperature regulator RE72, 1 continual output 0/4...20 ma, 2 continual o...
Temperature regulator RE72, 1 continual output 0/4...20 ma, 2 continual output 0...10V, 3-relay output, power supply 20 ..40V AC/DC, standard version, language - polish...
Temperature regulator RE72, 1 continual output 0/4...20 ma, 2 continual o...
Temperature regulator RE72, 1 continual output 0/4...20 ma, 2 continual output 0...10V, binary input, power supply 20 ..40V AC/DC, standard version, language - polish...
Temperature regulator RE72, 1 continual output 0...10V, 2 continual outpu...
Temperature regulator RE72, 1 continual output 0...10V, 2 continual output 0/4...20 ma, binary input, power supply 20 ..40V AC/DC, standard version, language - polish...
Temperature regulator RE72, 1 continual output 0...10V, 2 continual outpu...
Temperature regulator RE72, 1 continual output 0...10V, 2 continual output 0...10V, 3-relay output, power supply 20 ..40V AC/DC, standard version, language - polish...
Temperature regulator RE72, 1 continual output 0...10V, 2 continual outpu...
Temperature regulator RE72, 1 continual output 0...10V, 2 continual output 0...10V, binary input, power supply 20 ..40V AC/DC, standard version, language - polish...
LOGO!12/24RC logic module with display v6 - 6ED1052-1MD00-0BA6
Logo! 12 / 24rc, logic module with display, power supply 12/24V DC, 8 DIgital inputs 12/24V DC/AC/(4 of them may operate as analogue inpts 0-10V) 4 relay outputs; memory 200 blocks, the unit may optionally be extended with additional modules...
Logo! 230RC, logic module with display and ETHERNET, power supply 115/230V...
Logo! 12/24rce, logic module with display and ETHERNET, power supply 115/230v, 8 DIgital inputs 115/230v 4 relay outputs; memory 200 blocks, the unit may optionally be extended with additional modules...