Att. nr 1 „An exemplary model withdrawal form”
1.1. Online Shop available at the Internet address is run by the company AUTOMATYKA-POMIARY-STEROWANIE-SA with its seat in Bialystok (mailing address: ul. Mickiewicza 95F, 15-257 Białystok); entered into the Register of the National Court Register, under KRS number 0000298380; the registration court, in which the file is kept: District Court of Białystok, XII Commercial Division - NCR; registered capital of 529 683.90 zł; NIP: PL5420013354;
Code: P-050141167;
1.2. The provisions of these Regulations are not intended to exclude or limit any rights of the customer who is also a consumer, he is entitled under the mandatory provisions of the law. In the case of non-compliance of the provisions of these Regulations with the above provisions, priority is given to these provisions.
1.3. Definicitions:
1.3.1. WORKING DAY - one day from Monday to Friday excluding public holidays.
1.3.2. REGISTRATION FORM - form available in the online store that allows the creation of accounts.
1.3.3. ORDER FORM - form available in the online store that allows submission of orders.
1.3.4. CUSTOMER - The Service, which intends to enter or has entered into Purchase Agreement with the Seller.
1.3.5. ..
1.3.6. ACCOUNT - marked with an individual name (email) and password given by the Client collection of resources in the IT system of the Service Provider, in which data are collected Recipients of the information submitted Orders.
1.3.7. NEWSLETTER - electronic distribution service provided by the Service Provider by e-mail e-mail, which allows all users of the recipients automatically receive the content of the next edition of the newsletter containing information about new products and promotions in the Online Shop.
1.3.8. PRODUCT - available in the Online Shop for the movable object of the Purchase Agreement between the Customer and Reseller.
1.3.9. REGULATIONS - these regulations Shop
1.3.10. SHOP - Online service providers available at the Internet address
1.3.11. DEALER, SERVICE PROVIDER - Automatyka-Pomiary-Sterowanie SA, based in 15-257Białystok, ul. A. Mickiewicza 95F, entered in the Register of the National Court Register, under KRS number 0000298380, NIP: PL5420013354; Code: P-050141167. Customer Service, accept orders and sales execution is carried out in the Office of Commercial accommodating at: 15-257 Bialystok, ul. A. Mickiewicza 95F.
1.3.12 AGREEMENT FOR SALE - Product Sales Agreement concluded between the Customer and the Seller through the online store.
1.3.13. ELECTRONIC SERVICE - a service provided electronically by the Service Provider to the Customer via the Website.
1.3.14. Recipient of the service - the entrepreneur within the meaning of art. 43 [1] of the Civil Code of 23 April 1964. (Journal of Laws No. 16, pos. 93, as amended.), Who uses the service provided by electronic or other by the Online Store. If the entrepreneur is a natural person to use the Online Shop must be directly related to his business or professional activity.
1.3.15. ORDER - Customer's representation constitute an offer Product Sale Agreement with the Seller.
2.1. The provider via the Internet Store the following Online Services:
2.1.1. Keeping Account Online Shop.
2.1.2. Allowing submission of orders in the Online Shop using transaction system online store
2.1.3. Newsletter.
3.1. Tuition fee:
3.1.1. Provision of Electronic Services by the Service Provider free of charge.3.2. Okres na jaki umowa zostaje zawarta:
3.2.1. The contract for the provision of services of Electronic involving the conduct of Accounts in the Online Shop is concluded for an indefinite period.
3.2.2. The contract for the provision of Electronic Services of enabling submit orders in the Online Store by filling Order Form is concluded for the period of time and shall terminate upon the submission of the Order.
3.2.3. The contract for the provision of services of Electronic Newsletter is concluded for an indefinite period.
3.3. The technical requirements necessary to work with the ICT system, which is used by the Service Provider:
3.3.1. Access to the Internet.
3.3.2. Access to e-mail
3.3.3. Web browser: Mozilla Firefox version 11.0 or higher and Internet Explorer 7.0 and higher, Opera 7.0 or higher, Google Chrome version 12.0.0 and higher.
3.3.4. Inclusion in the web browser Cookies.
3.4. The Client is obliged to use the Internet Store in a manner consistent with the law and morality whereas respect for personal rights and intellectual property rights of third parties.
3.5. The Client is obliged to make the data consistent with the facts.
3.6. A recipient spaces non-delivery of illegal content.
4.1. Advertisements, price lists and other information on this product quoted on the website online store, and in particular their descriptions, technical and performance characteristics and price, are an invitation to contract, within the meaning of art. 71 of the Civil Code.
4.2. Product price shown on the Online Shop is given in Polish zloty and contains all the ingredients, including VAT and customs duties. Prices do not include, however, any costs of delivery and payment, which are indicated when placing orders.
4.3. Product price shown on the Online Shop is valid at the time the customer orders. This price will not change regardless of changes in prices in the online store, which may arise in relation to individual products at the Customer Orders.
4.4. The customer can place orders in the Online Shop via the Website Store or e-mail, 7 days a week, 24 hours a day.
4.5. The customer can place orders in the Online Shop via the phone in the hours and days indicated on the Web Site Store.
4.6. The customer places an order through the Web Site Store, completes the order by selecting Goods, which is interested. Adding Goods to order followed by select the "ADD TO CART" under the Merchandise presented on the Website Store. Customer after completing the whole order and to indicate in the "basket" method of delivery and payment method, an order by sending the order form to the Seller, by selecting the Website Store the "Order of the obligation to pay." Before each shipment orders to the Seller, the customer is informed about the total price for the selected Goods and Delivery, as well as for all additional costs that are required to pay in connection with the Agreement of sale.
4.7. The customer places an order via phone, uses the phone number given by the Seller on the Website Store. The customer places an order over the phone giving the Seller's name from the Goods Goods located on the Web Site Store and the amount of goods that wants to order. Then, after the completion of the whole contract customer determines how and delivery address and payment method, and indicates, according to choose from, your e-mail address or mailing address to confirm the order. Whenever a submission by the Customer orders by phone seller informs the customer of the total price of selected goods and the total cost of the chosen method of delivery, as well as all additional costs which it is required to pay in connection with the Agreement of sale.
4.8. Following the submission by the Customer via telephone, the Seller will send in a durable medium, to the specified by client e-mail address or mailing information including confirmation of the terms of sale agreements. Confirmation includes in particular: determination of the Goods being the subject of contracts of sale, the price, the cost of delivery and information about any other expenses which the Customer is required to pay in connection with the Agreement of sale.
4.9. The customer places an order via e-mail, send them to the e-mail address provided by the Seller on the Website Store. The client in a message sent to the Seller shall notify in particular: the name of the Goods, the color and the quantity of the goods presented on the Web Site Store, and your contact details. After receiving your electronic messages referred to in § 4 paragraph. 7, the Seller will send the feedback message via e-mail, stating your registration data, the price of selected goods and the possible forms of payment and delivery method and its cost, as well as information about all the additional payments that customer would have to pay for the Sales Agreement. On the basis of information given by the Seller, The customer can place an order by sending an e-mail to Vendors indicate the selected payment method and the method of delivery. After the conclusion of the Sales Agreement, the Seller confirms the Customer its terms, sending them on a durable medium to the e-mail client or in writing indicated by the Customer during the registration or ordering address.
4.11. Each Purchase Agreement will be confirmed by proof of purchase - receipt or on request VAT invoice, which will be included in the shipments.
5.1. Seller offers the following payment methods:
5.1.1. Payment by cash on delivery personal.
5.1.2. Payment for downloading on delivery.
5.1.3. Payment by bank transfer to a traditional bank account Sellers. Bank: Deutsche Bank PBC SA. ACC no: 84 1910 1048 2123 9949 0470 0001
5.1.4. Electronic payments and credit card payments through the service - possible methods of payment are set out on the website: and on the Online Store tab "Payment methods."
5.2. Settlement of transactions by credit card-how transfer is carried out via the service
5.3. Support for electronic payment runs as a billing agent:
5.3.1. - the company DOTPAY SA based in Krakow, ul. Wielicka 72, 30-552 Kraków, NIP 6342661860, REGON 240770255, entered in the Register under the number KRS 0000296790, kept by the District Court for Kraków-Śródmieście in Kraków, XI Commercial Division of the National Court Register, with share capital of PLN 4,000,000.00, paid-up capital of PLN 4,000,000.00.
6.1. Seller provides the following delivery methods Product:
6.1.1. parcel courier
6.1.2. Pay-at-delivery parcel
6.1.3. Personal collection in Business Days from Monday to Friday between 7:00 - 15:00.
6.2. Any delivery charges are indicated when placing orders. They are dependent on the Customer's method of delivery. Information on the cost of delivery is also available on the "Shipping costs".
6.3. Delivery date - while waiting for the customer for the shipment of the Product consists of the time of completion and delivery of the Product:
6.3.1. The time of completion of the Product is 3 Business Days, unless the description of the Product or when placing orders given shorter period. This time must be counted as follows: If you choose the payment method the customer cash - from the Sale Agreement until the completion and dispatch of products. If you choose the payment method the customer transfer - from the booking payment on the bank account until the completion and dispatch of products.
6.3.2. Product delivery time depends on the chosen method of delivery by the Customer: Courier parcels are delivered within declared by the carrier 3 Days.
7.1. Termination of the agreement for the provision of Electronic Services:
7.1.1. Termination may contract for the provision of Electronic Services indefinite period of continuous nature (eg. Keeping accounts in the Online Shop).
7.1.2. Customer may terminate the contract with immediate effect and without indicating reasons by sending an appropriate statement via e-mail to the following address: or in writing to the following address: Office of Commercial Street A. Mickiewicza 95F, 15-257 Bialystok.
7.1.3. The Service Provider may terminate the agreement on provision of services electronically lifetime of continuous, if Client violates the Rules, in particular when providing illegal content after an ineffective once the call to stop the setting of an appropriate period. The agreement in this case will expire after 7 days from the date of submission of a declaration of intent of termination (notice period).
7.1.4. Termination leads to the destruction of the legal relationship with effect for the future, so does not lead to the elimination of the legal consequences that arose earlier - the duration of the contract.
7.2. Service Provider and the Client may terminate the contract for the provision of Electronic Services at any time by agreement of the parties.
8.1. The seller is liable under the warranty for physical and legal defects of the Goods to the extent specified in Article. 556 and following of the Act of 23 April 1964 - Civil Code (Dz. U. of 2014, pos. 121).
8.2. The seller is liable Wad Physical Goods is based on non-compliance of the goods sold to the agreement, so if the product does not have properties that should be due to the purpose of the contract, due to the circumstances or destination does not have the properties of which vendor provided the customer is not suitable for the purpose for which the customer has informed the Seller at the conclusion of the contract, and the seller did not raise objections to such an intended use, goods were released to the customer able incomplete. under the warranty for physical and legal defects of the Goods to the extent specified in Article. 556 and following of the Act of 23 April 1964 - Civil Code (Dz. U. of 2014, pos. 121).
8.3. Wada Legal Commodity Occurs when the product is owned by a third party or is loaded right person, where the restriction on the exercise or regulation stems from the decision or judgment of the Competent authority.
8.4. In the case of consumer on a par with the provision Sellers treated the public to provide the producer or entity that introduces a product on the market in the scope of its business activities, or who presents himself as a producer. Seller shall not be liable if these assurances did not know or could not know them, or if these assurances could not influence the consumer's decision about the conclusion of the contract of sale, as well as the content of these assurances has been corrected before the conclusion of the contract of sale.
8.5. Seller shall be liable under the warranty if the defect is found before the natural expiration of two years from the date of delivery of goods to the Client.
8.6. In the case of a consumer, the physical defect was found within one year from the date of the Product, it shall be presumed that the defect or cause existed at the time the Goods.
8.7. The seller is responsible for the warranty for physical defects of the Product that existed at the time of the transition danger to the Customer or resulting from causes inherent in the sold item at the same time.
8.8. If a product has a defect, the Customer may submit a statement of the price reduction or withdrawal from the contract unless the Seller immediately replace the defective product free of defects or defect remove. This limitation does not apply if the product has already been replaced or repaired by the Seller or Seller did not satisfy the obligation to exchange the Goods free of defects and defect removal.
8.9. If a product has a defect, the Customer may also demand replacement of things for free from defects or defect removal.
8.10. The consumer can place proposed by the Seller to remove defects require replacement of the product free from defects or instead replace the Goods to request the removal of defects, unless the supply of Goods for compliance with the agreement in a manner chosen by the consumer is impossible or would require excessive costs in comparison with the method proposed by the Seller.
8.11. The customer can withdraw from the contract if the defect is irrelevant.
8.12. Seller shall respond to the complaint within 14 days of its receipt.
8.13. If the complaint is justified Seller shall replace the defective product free of defects or rectify the defect within 14 days from the date of notification of the complaint by the Customer.
8.14. In the case of an effective withdrawal Seller undertakes to refund payments within 14 days from the date of receipt of the withdrawal, with the proviso that the return of the payment does not occur until receipt of the Goods back or deliver by the Consumer proof of its references.
8.15. The claim for the removal of defects or replacement of the product free from defects expires after one year from the date of discovery of a defect. In the case of a consumer, the limitation period can’t end before the expiry of two years.
8.16. The client implementing powers under the warranty for Seller's cost to provide the defective Goods Seller's address Automatka-Pomiary-Sterowanie SA, Commercial Office, ul. A. Mickiewicz 95F, 15-257 Bialystok.
9.1. According to the Act of 30 May 2014 on the rights of the consumer, the consumer may cancel the contract of sale of goods purchased in the store for no reason, making a statement in writing within 14 days from the date of delivery of the goods (ie. From the date of receipt of the goods by consumer). To comply with the deadline, you must send a statement before its expiry.
9.2. The consumer may cancel the contract by submitting Seller's statement of withdrawal from the contract. The model declaration is attached to this Regulation.
9.3. The statement of withdrawal must be sent to the following address: ul. A. Mickiewicz 95F, 15-257 Bialystok
9.4. The consumer will return goods to Seller within 14 days from the date on which withdrew from the agreement. To meet the deadline just returning the goods before its expiry.
9.4.1. Return of goods should be made to the Seller's address: ul. A. Mickiewicz 95F, 15-257 Bialystok.
9.5. Seller within 14 days from the date of receipt of the notice of withdrawal from the contract The consumer will return all payments made by him, including the cost of providing the Goods the return of the payment does not occur until receipt of the Goods back or deliver by the Consumer evidence of its references.
9.6. Seller will refund the payment using the same method of payment, which used consumer.
9.7. The consumer bears the cost of returning the Goods to the Sellers Office.
10.1. By placing an order the customer agrees to the processing given his personal data for the implementation and operation of the order by the Seller, who is also the administrator of personal data within the meaning of the Act of 29 August 1997 on the protection of personal data.
10.2. Personal data contained in the database Sellers are not communicated to those not participating in the implementation of the sales contract.
10.3. Client accordance with the Law on Personal Data Protection has the right to inspect their personal data, the ability to correct them and remove. Seller provides each client the right to control the processing of data in accordance with art. 32 of the Law on Protection of Personal Data.
10.4. Providing personal data is voluntary, but the lack of consent to the processing of personal data makes it impossible to realize your order.
10.5. Detailed information regarding personal data and privacy protection are included in the "Privacy" on page Store.
11.1. The buyer is obliged to comply with the Rules.
11.2. Regulations are an integral part of the Service Provider concluded contracts for services electronically and is available on the Client side .
11.3. In matters not regulated herein, the provisions of common law.
All of above written Regulations are in force from 25.11.2015.
Att. nr 1 „An exemplary model withdrawal form”
An exemplary model withdrawal form
(This form must be completed and returned just in case you wish to withdraw from the contract)
………………………………… ………………………………… |
AUTOMATYKA-POMIARY-STEROWANIE S.A. WWW.SKLEP.APS.PL street. A. Mickiewicza 95F, 15-257 Białystok |
I//We (*) hereby depart (*) the Purchase Agreement the following goods / the provision of the following services (*) : ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
date of order: (*) |
Date of receipt of goods: (*) |
Full name / name |
Address: |
Please make a return to this bank account number / follows (*) |
signature of consumer (-ów) (only if the form is sent on paper) |
Place, date: |
(*) – delete inappropriate.