Data provided during registration will be processed solely for the purposes of the contract, according to the Law of 29 August 1997 on the protection of personal data (Dz. U. No 101, item. 926 2002 r.- consolidated text) and will not be shared with other entities.
Service Provider - online store respects customer data store and will not share personal information about customers registered and transactions conducted by customers to other entities and individuals.
Shop only collects such information that allows to conduct transactions, send electronic information and to maintain telephone contact with the customer.
Shop does not give, sell or lend personal information from customers to third parties, unless it happens with the express consent or at the request of bodies authorized under the law of state in relation to the ongoing proceedings.
Our shop also uses so-called files cookies (cookies). These files are stored on the Client's computer by our server and provide statistical data on the activity of the customer, in order to choose our offer to his individual needs and tastes. The customer may at any time turn off the cookies option in web browser option not to accept cookies. Yet customer must be aware that in some cases the disconnection of these files may affect the difficulties in using the services offered by the store.
We would like to draw attention that in spite of visit the store we present links to other websites, that not administered by our Company. We can’t answer nor for the content of these sites, or for the degree of privacy protection implemented by the administrators of these sites. When deciding on the transition to these sites, the Customer does so at their own risk.